Full Arch Genie

"Smile, You're Free!"

Grant yourself freedom from perpetual teeth and denture problems with our Digital Full Arch Implants (All-On-Implants)

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Full Arch Implants

All-On-implants procedure is designed for people who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both jaws and are looking for a permanent solution to get a full set of teeth again. This can happen because of things like gum disease, tooth decay, or injury.

Instead of having individual implants for each missing tooth, which can be time-consuming, expensive and less aesthetic, the full arch implant procedure involves placing a series of implants (usually 4-6) in the jawbone. These implants act as anchors for a full set of natural looking ceramic teeth that look beautiful and function like natural teeth.

"It's a great option for those who want to improve their ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently without the hassle of dentures or the discomfort of missing teeth."

"Safety, accuracy, predictability, and long-term care and comfort are our top priorities at every step of the full arch implant procedure."

Dr. Hee Shin (DMD)

Founder of Full Arch Genie

Craft Your Perfect Smile: Digital Design, Real Results.

Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design is a modern method used in dentistry that uses digitally scan to plan dental treatments. It helps dentists see how a patient's smile will look after procedures like full arch implants.

This approach is important because it makes sure the new teeth will not only work well but also look good with the patient’s face. Digital Smile Design lets dentists plan everything in advance. This means fewer surprises during the procedure, making the process smoother and the results better. It’s a way to make sure our patients are happy with their new smiles.

Discover a unique dental experience at Full Arch Genie, where we combine the latest digital technology with our modern, welcoming facilities. Our focus is on detailed and thoughtful planning for your full arch implant journey. We're equipped with advanced tools like face and teeth scanners, 3D printers, and 3D X-ray machines.

Case Study

Precision at Every Step with

Digital Guided Surgery

1. Digital Planning: Imagine using a computer to draw your perfect smile. Dentists take pictures inside your mouth and use these to map out exactly where the implants need to go. It's like designing a custom blueprint for your smile makeover.

2. Stackable Guide: Think of this as a customised guide rail, similar to a stent, that fits inside your mouth. It's designed to guide the dentist's tools in the right direction and to the right depth, ensuring each implant is placed in the perfect position, just as planned.

3. Surgery: Using the guide, the dentist inserts implants into your jawbone. These implants will anchor your new teeth.

4. Recovery: The precise planning and guide make the surgery smoother, which can lead to quicker and more comfortable healing.

In essence, our method uses cutting-edge technology to ensure your implants are not only perfectly designed but also precisely and comfortably placed, leading to a beautifully restored smile with less hassle.

Case Study

Our commitment to reach everyone

Payment options

Beautiful smiles should be accessible to everyone.

Our clinic offers an in-house payment plan, allowing you to spread the cost of your treatment over five equal monthly payments, with no need for a reference or credit check, ensuring a straightforward and stress-free process.

Additionally, we provide assistance with the early release of superannuation, helping you access the necessary funds for your dental care without hassle.


Preferred providers for BUPA, Medibank, and HCF.
We also accept all other Health Funds.

5 months
In-House Payment Plan
No credit check,
No reference required.


Access super early when you need it most.


Sunnybank Hills







Commitment to look after you

No-obligation Consult

We offer a free & no-obligation consultation for anyone considering a full-arch implant procedure.

This means you can come in, get all the information you need about the treatment, and ask any questions without any cost or pressure to proceed, at a location convenient for you. It's a great opportunity to explore your options and make an informed decision about your dental care, no matter where you are.

Contact us

Get in touch

Email: info@fullarchgenie.com.au
SMS: 0407 135 069 (No Calls)
Whatsapp: +61407135069
Instagram: dr.heeshin
WeChat ID: fullarchgenie
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